LISEGA Group – International QM Meeting
The 7th International QM meeting took place in Zeven from 12-13.09.2018. Besides the previous participants Lewis Rogers, Damien de Mulatier and Lars Bohl, the QM manager at LISEGA Ltd. (Anthony Pearce) and LISEGA India (Venkateswarlu Sunkari) attended. Chen Zeng, the LISEGA PST representative had unfortunately to be on hand for the coming recertification of the HAF Code in China and so was unable to participate. Both days focused on the objective of identifying synergies within the Group regarding QM processes and integrating them into optimization processes. In particular, work is being done on the simplification of QM documentation, including uniform external representation. In addition, claim procedures and internal error report processes are to be harmonized with the existing abas processes at LISEGA SE. The participants agreed on a uniform reporting system (KPI) for the purpose of better comparability of the QM key data. The workshop was marked by a constructive atmosphere, with sup¬plementary presentations from Sales (Harald Lange) and the LIMALab (Oliver Metzscher).