LISEGA Inc. – Students experience economy
This year, ten LISEGA Inc. employees participated in a trip to Junior Achievement’s BizTown with the 5th grade class from Edgemont Elementary school. BizTown is a simulated town created by Junior Achievement where 5th grade students run the town for a day by acting in various roles as city officials, postal workers, bankers, business owners, accountants, radio personalities, utility workers and a host of other job roles found in real cities anywhere in the world. They borrow money, make purchases, pay bills, balance checkbooks and practice real “grownup” activities they will per-form when they are adults. LISEGA Inc. employ-ees acted as facilitators, answering questions, making suggestions when needed and supporting the students as they went about their „work day”. This year’s LISEGA facilitators included Victor Basinger, Serita Maddron, Bill Garland, Barry Suttles, Telford Rymer, Greg Henson, Justin Sexton, Dustin Owenby, Linda Grizzle and David Dutrow. They reported that it was a great experi-ence but exhausting trying to keep up with a room full of 5th graders!